Second Saturday Sacramento Writer's Brush Art Reception is Saturday Feb 9, 5-8pm

Jennifer O'Neill Pickering

You may know that Jack Kerouac, Charlotte and Emily Bronte were writers, but did you also know they were visual artists? In the tradition of these literary greats the fourth annual Sacramento Writer’s Brush features local writers/artists, Jennifer O’Neill Pickering, Bethanie Humphreys, Ann Privateer, Joseph Finkleman, Tim Mchargue, Kimberly White, Jeanine Stevens, Christy Lenzi and Katy Brown, in an art exhibit of their art at the  Poets’ Gallery, 1719 25th Street (25th&R Sacramento Poetry Center)

Guitarist, George Sheldon is featured at the art show and there will be a 30 minute open mike 6:30-7pm. Events are free but donations are gratefully accepted and benefit the Sacramento Poetry Center. Show runs through Feb. 28. More...Please see the pages link to the left. 


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