January 19th Prose In The Afternoon At SPC

Featuring: Nancy Schoellkopf & Katya Mills
When: January 19, 2020 4-5:30
Where: Sacramento Poetry Center, 1719 25th Street,
Sacramento, CA 95816
Hosts: Jennifer Pickering, Todd Boyd and Michelle Woods
Katya Mills - is an Independent author. She writes mostly creative nonfiction and literary fiction set in American cities at the turn of the millennium. Chicago and NYC and San Francisco. 1990-2010. Lovers, dreamers, loners, scribblers, and latchkey kids. Predating the mobile phone.
Nancy Schoellkopf - is a California poet and novelist who writes stories with spiritual themes. She is the author of the Avian Series of Novels--Yellow-Billed Magpie, Red-Tailed Hawk, and Ghost Owl--as well as the short story collection, Rover.


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