The Writers' Circle 25th and R Complex 1719 25th St. Sacramento, CA, 95816 (the

The Writing Life…each week we (my writing group, The Writers' Circle) meet and share our poetry, memoir, stories and prose. We put the words on the table. We read, we hear the why we like this work. Then we hear the how it can be improved. This is often an uncomfortable segment of the process for me. But I think it has become an easier listen as I become more and more comfortable with my own writing voice. I listen without throwing up walls. I listen with attention. I am supported, and improve. I support others on their writing journey.
On Feb. 20th the Writers' Circle has the honor to be reading at the Sacramento Poetry Center. I say honor because there are many voices wanting a specific space for live spoken word and the live spaces are limited. I hope you will join our circle. Bring your voice share your poem at the open reading. Support living voice, will its imperfections. Hear you there.

25th and R Complex 1719 25th St. Sacramento, CA, 95816


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